The Sacramental Rite of Marriage
"Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately,
and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God."
- The Book of Common Prayer, p.424
Holy Matrimony is one of the sacraments of the Church. All weddings at Calvary must conform to liturgy and the rubrics of The Book of Common Prayer and the Canons of The (Protestant) Episcopal Church, USA. Holy Matrimony at Calvary is available to all who seek it.
All weddings held at Calvary must be approved by the Rector. The Rector has the responsibility for the conduct of the service, whether officiating or not. Officiants other than Calvary’s clergy must be ordained by a Christian denomination recognized by the Episcopal Church and licensed to officiate weddings in Kentucky. The Rector, or a designated staff person, schedules all weddings and other wedding-related services of the church.
It is necessary for the engaged couple to schedule at least three counseling sessions with the clergy (or someone qualified and approved of by the Rector). Weddings are normally performed on Saturday between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m, although other times are possible by arrangement. Rehearsals are normally scheduled the day before the wedding. Weddings are not normally scheduled during the penitential season of Lent - the six weeks preceding Easter.
Please contact our office administrator for wedding inquiries either by email (office or by calling Calvary at 502-587-6011.
You may wish to visit Calvary while planning your wedding, in addition to your conferences. Please call first 587-6011. Office hours are 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Monday through Thursday. You are also invited to attend services on Sundays (10:30am). If you have additional questions, please contact a member of Calvary’s clergy. On behalf of the community of Calvary Church, it is our prayer that you have a wonderful and meaningful beginning to your married life.
Please contact for current wedding fees. Calvary Members and direct family members of Calvary Members are not charged fees for use of the church for the service of Holy Matrimony. A Calvary Member for purposes of these guidelines is a communicant of this parish who has received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in this Church or in another Christian Church, and whose Baptism has been duly recorded in this Church and who has supported the life of the parish by regular Sunday attendance for at least six months and with a pledge of financial support on record.
Nonmembers are charged for the use of the church, staff time and an officiant’s fee for premarital counseling sessions and officiating the wedding service. Fees are increased for rehearsals and ceremonies that begin after 5:30p.m. A non-refundable deposit must be made before a date can be secured for the ceremony.
All fees include a single, two-hour (maximum) rehearsal and a four-hour period of ceremony plus pre-ceremony time. An additional per hour charge is made for rehearsals and wedding days that go beyond the time above. Fees are doubled for events held on national holidays.
An invoice of all fees will be sent to the party designated as the contact person. The fees must be paid and any required documents be presented prior to the date of the wedding. Please make a check for church fees payable to Calvary Episcopal Church and honoraria to individuals performing in the service which are marked on the invoice. ​
The Sanctuary is the area of the church inside the altar rails.
FLOWERS are furnished by the couple, their families, or someone else associated with the wedding. Flower arrangements are only allowed on the retable behind the Altar, on the two shelves in the Chancel and on the two tables in the back of the Nave (see below). The arrangement of flowers may not be taller than the arms of the Cross on the retable (36", including vase). There should be two symmetrical arrangements, one on either side of the Cross. The height of the candles must also be below the arms of the Cross.
If the florist wishes to arrange flowers at the shop, the flowers can be put in paper-maché containers, and then placed in Calvary's brass vases. Measurements are made available to any florist who calls. Florists must let the church staff know when they plan to decorate the church, so that the church is open when they arrive.
Flowers are sometimes left for the Sunday services. Should the wedding party wish to leave the flowers, it is possible to designate them in the bulletin as a memorial or in thanksgiving for the marriage of the couple. Names must be furnished to the church one week prior to the wedding for inclusion in the bulletin.
CANDLES are already in place in the Sanctuary. Additional candlesticks (but not the candles) can be furnished by Calvary for use in the Sanctuary and must be approved by the Rector or appointed staff member. If candelabra are desired they must be furnished by the couple or a florist. Followers must be used with all candles. Unity candles are not allowed at Calvary.
The nave is the area of the church where the pews are located.
Calvary Church seats approximately 600 people. The center aisle is 87 feet long. Flowers on the Altar and designated places in the Chancel are usually sufficient. Any additional decorations must be approved by the Rector. If pew decorations are used, the florist (or other assigned person) must return immediately after the wedding to remove them.
The railings outside the front of the church may be decorated, but not interior railings. Flower petals and birdseed may be used outside of the church. Rice is not allowed. Aisle cloths cannot be used. The air intake ducts for the HVAC system are located in the center aisle and cannot be covered.
Music for the wedding should be in keeping with the Christian tradition. A separate booklet describing music guidelines is available. The Rector, in consultation with the Music Director, must approve the music used for a wedding.
The Calvary Music Director is expected to be the first choice as organist. No other Clergy or musician shall be used at Calvary without permission from the Rector. If the Music Director is to be involved in the service, the couple must schedule a music conference with her/him at least one month in advance of the wedding date.
If a reception is to be held at Calvary, there is the choice of two halls, Parker Hall and Frazier Hall. Each will seat about 100 people.
Champagne, wine and beer are the only alcoholic beverages allowed. An equally attractive non-alcoholic alternative must be offered in addition to any food.
The premises must be left clean, including the kitchen. Those putting on the reception are responsible for cleaning up. If a messy kitchen and/or reception area is left, the $250.00 deposit will not be returned. Receptions must end by 10 p.m., and the building vacated no later than 10:30 p.m. The Sexton, a staff member or a member of Calvary Church must be present throughout the event to take responsibility for clean-up and security of the building.
There is no smoking inside of the church buildings
Groom, bride and attendants may change clothes at the church. The couple is responsible for cleaning up the dressing areas after the wedding. Please designate someone to be responsible for cleanup and removal of valuables.
Calvary Church is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property or valuables. Please use precautions to make certain they are left in a secure place.
The parking lot on the north side of the Church is available for parking. Please inform your guests that parking in the parking lot is free during the wedding. Additional parking is available on the street, and in the lots off Third Street across the alley behind the church.
Professional photographers and videographers are welcome. They must consult with the Rector in advance regarding their involvement and placement during the service. NO FLASH or supplementary lighting is allowed during the service.
We also ask that the wedding party instruct the photographer that he/she will be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes for wedding pictures following the marriage service. This time limitation is required out of respect for the waiting reception guests, as well as the persons who are responsible for cleaning and securing the church. It is recommended that the majority of the pictures be taken before the wedding.
All deliveries, setup, decorating, takedown, and cleanup must be completed within normal office hours unless other arrangements have been made. All decorations must be removed immediately following the event. Any church furniture or church decorations that were moved or taken down for the wedding or reception must be returned to their original location during the cleanup. Any equipment brought in must be moved to a designated location for pickup within 48 hours after the wedding.
Rice, confetti, and bird seed are not allowed to be thrown inside or outside the church.