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The Church's One Foundation is Jesus Christ, Her Lord

At Calvary, Stewardship is 'always on.'  The Church is very intentional about its mission on South 4th Street, bringing faith in Jesus Christ in word and action. 

2024 Every Member Canvass

The EMC is the annual pledge drive to fund the 2024 operating budget. 

Please take time to prayerfully consider what Calvary means to you and your faith.  Using the pledge form link below, you can submit your pledge electronically. This form will not take electronic payments, just your intent and amount of pledge for 2024  Only the Calvary Office will receive this information.


Online Pledge Form

Pledge Estimator based on Household Income

Calvary Episcopal Church |  821 South Fourth Street   Louisville, KY 40203  502-587-6011

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