Calvary Music
The Mission of Calvary Music is to present beautiful music to the Glory of God and enrich the worship of the congregation; honor both the influence of the Anglican Tradition and Bach at Calvary in a spirit of collaboration; and support the Outreach Ministry of Calvary by raising funds through music events and services.
Calvary has always been known for excellence in sacred music and public concerts. The 2022-2023 season will feature many opportunities to hear beautiful music and we invite you to experience this beauty God has created. All services and events are streamed live on Calvary's Facebook page.
If you are interested in supporting Calvary Music. please contact Jacob Cook, Director of Music. Or click here
Support Calvary Music
Calvary welcomes your sustaining gifts to these Musical Services and Events. Your generous tax-deductible contribution helps us to continue to offer concerts and recitals to the Louisville community. You may choose from one of the following donation levels.
Benefactor ($2,000 or above)
Patron ($1,000 or $1,999)
Associate ($500 - $999)
Friend ($250 - $499)
Sponsor ($125 - $249)
Supporter (Any Gift)
Please send checks payable to:
Calvary Episcopal Church
821 South Fourth Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40203
Memo: Calvary Music
Thank you for your generous support of Calvary Music!